Around thirty key business representatives gathered recently to attend a business breakfast meeting hosted by Pecks Restaurant on behalf of The Congleton College. The purpose of the meeting was to continue to grow links between The College and local businesses to ensure students receive the education and training they need to secure a successful future and also to deliver a young workforce armed with all the skills and experience expected in the workplace. Guests were able to hear from a number of speakers and also network with other business decision makers from the area.

Speakers at the event included Mr Hermitt and Mrs March - The College executive principal and director - who explained the vision of The College and the work it undertakes with local employers to produce work-ready young people. The pair discussed the benefits to employer and employee alike of the working partnership between the education provider and the work-place. The meeting also enabled guests to be brought up to date with the success of the college so far and also to learn about how the team plan to progress further with their aims.

Paul Valentine from apprenticeship provider, Total People, introduced the additional benefits students and employers gain as a result of apprenticeships and, more specifically, how Congleton employers are able to grow their business whilst helping to give a young person tangible career opportunities.

Andrew Pear, owner of Pecks, governor of Congleton High and also chair of The Congleton College steering committee, was able to address the guests from an employer’s perspective and how working with The College has enabled him to play a key role in students’ career journeys and how this has benefitted his business and the town.

In addition to the speakers, students who have successfully completed the pilot year of the college were also present and informally shared their experiences with local business leaders.

The College is keen for more local employers to get involved to ensure that the young people complete their courses equipped with the skills, knowledge and experience to make them the employable and successful individuals that twenty-first century businesses demand. Anyone that feels they may be able to provide work-place opportunities or who would like to register an interest in the future events planned, can contact Mrs Sadat-Shafai, work experience co-ordinator at The Congleton College at or 01260 387000