Day three of National  Careers Week continued to offer students opportunities to open up a wide range of career possibilities to them. Twenty of our Year 12 and 13 Post 16 Business and Economics students were invited by leading wealth management company,  Franklyn Financial Management Ltd, to spend the day at the company's Congleton premises with the aim of giving them an insight into a career within the financial world of investments and pensions etc.

It was a fabulous day and the students had the opportunity to undertake various innovative financial challenges, which also proved to be a great team building exercise. Students were also able to speak with employees from the company as well as the Managing Director to find out more about the many routes into the industry from those already employed in the sector.

The feedback from students regarding the day has been fantastic:

  • "An eye opening opportunity which has given me an in-depth knowledge about this business."
  • "I have gained a wider perspective about the roles within a financial company."
  • "I got a great deal out of the day, especially as it is the career I would like to pursue."