Research undertaken by YouGov shows that young adults with greater levels of contact with employers whilst at school are significantly less likely to become ‘Not in Education, Employment of Training - NEET’ and, once in employment can earn up to 18% more than peers without the same workplace experience.

Our students are very aware of the benefits of undertaking work placements and, once again, many of our Sixth Form traded their February half-term holidays for the chance to build up experience in their field of interest.

Amongst those acquiring new skills and general employability knowledge were Year Thirteen, Annie Joyce, who spent time at Siemens in Congleton, Year Thirteen, Barbara Andrade who worked with SAS Daniels Solicitors, Year Thirteen, Alex Turner who took on a work placement at Franklyn Financial Management and Year Twelve, Molly Johnson, who spent the week with the team at Macclesfield Hospital.