As we continue to grow as a school, the number of students accessing the site puts pressure on the local roads and is leading to safety concerns for all. We will be continuing our education of the students on road safety, but we are asking parents and carers to please read through these reminders about the start and end of the school day. 

  • There is a one-way system through school (in the main gates, out through the bus park). Even if you are leaving the visitor parking it is important that you follow these route to avoid collisions. 
  • No parking in the bus park at any time - allowing parents and students to walk across this area as the school buses arrive and leave is very dangerous. If you need to park to come into school please use the visitor parking on the left as you come into school. 
  • Be considerate of local residents when parking. Blocking a drive can cause serious problems for our neighbours. 
  • We ask that parents/carers DO NOT park on Box Lane as this causes congestion, forcing vehicles in to the opposite lane and posing a very real hazard for other road users and our students. 
  • Respect the zigzags outside school - even queuing to get into school on these lines is considered an offence. 

A few tips that can help us ease traffic issues and help the environment 

  • Try to drop off and collect a little further away from school. There are many safe parking areas only a few minutes' walk from school. 
  • Remember that lift sharing reduces the number of vehicles around school . 
  • Always turn off your engine if you are stationary. 

Please would you also remind your child of their own road safety responsibilities, including staying alert when next to roads, using designated crossing points and also waiting for crossing lights to turn green before stepping in to the road.

Thank you for your support